Overall Objective – “Joint Regional Advocacy Action is launched to tangibly enhance HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care and impact mitigation for migrant workers and mobile populations (including MARPs and PLWH)(1) in the Southern Caucasus and Russia.”
Specific Objective – “Non-state Actors (NSAs) along with National Government Organisations (GOs) and International Organisations (IOs) in Southern Caucasus and Russia are mobilized for joint action to mitigate HIV/AIDS risks/vulnerabilities among migrant workers and mobile populations (including MARPs and PLWH) from Southern Caucasus ensuring improved access to prevention, treatment, care and support services in both source and destination countries.

Main Information about Project
The European Community (EC) awarded World Vision Deutschland e.V. (WVD) a grant for the project called: “Cross-border cooperation for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation in Southern Caucasus and Russian Federation” – Project Number DCI-SANTE / 2011 / 260-487. This project started at the 1 April 2012 and is expected to end at the 31 March 2014.
Prognosed results:
Result #1 – “Partnership and cooperation of GOs and NSAs to address mobility exacerbated HIV/AIDS issues at the country level with emphasis on availability and accessibility of rights based prevention, treatment, care and support services are strengthened and ensured.”
Result #2 – “The quality and sustainability of Partners, NSAs, GOs and Community stakeholders’ capacity is strengthened to address mobility exacerbated HIV/AIDS issues.”
Result #3 – “Regional Network mechanism is established and takes joint actions for learning and advocacy.”