
14 country profiles

We are pleased to announce that 14 country profiles on access to ARV treatment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are finally published in English. Please note that information in each profile will be regularly updated.
We would like to thank our Focal Points in countries for their help in preparation of these documents.
Each profile contains the following information:

  • Number of people taking ART by years (from 2004 to 2011) with progression by sex and age.
  • Estimated number of people, who need treatment and estimated treatment coverage of PLWH.
  • Increase in number of people receiving treatment in 2010 and 2011.
  • Percentage of PLWH on treatment 12 months after initiation of ARV therapy.
  • Regulatory treatment documents and criteria of initiating treatment.
  • ART in children etc.

Please send your feedbacks, comments and suggestions to tatyana@ecuo.org