
Announcement of Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance Provision

tender-1.jpg__250x125_q85_upscaleEast Europe and Central Asia Union of People Living with HIV (ECUO) is currently soliciting a request for proposals (RFP) from qualified organizations to deliver technical support services both to ECUO and ECUO beneficiaries and stakeholders, involved into realization of the Regional project «Partnership for equitable access to HIV-care continuum in Eastern Europe and Central Asia» being implemented by ECUO within the framework of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) New Funding Model.
All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are free to submit their tenders by 24th January 2016
For more detailed information, please refer to the attached Request for Proposal and ToR.
Applications must be submitted in English or Russian and should include the following sections:

  1. Completed cover sheet and Capability statement (2 pages maximum) describing the organization’s ability and experience in one or more of the subject technical areas specified in Annex 1 of the attached RFP. The capability statement should include background information on the organization including its legal status, constituent documents, current organizational structure, number and qualifications of staff, and annual operating revenues for the previous three years. The capability statement should also identify the management team and outline its approach to developing the organization’s core competencies in the areas of business development (including growing its consultant roster).
  2. Description of the relevant experience with a list of examples of TA provided.
  3. Regional experience and language capacity.
  4. Proposed top senior staff and consultants who will work in the technical areas of ECUO assignments (attach up to 10 resumes of proposed key staff and consultants).
  5. Commercial offer with indication of the service fee of the organization for the following services:
    1. formation of pool of experts in accordance with technical areas specified in Annex 1 (at least 10 experts per technical area);
    2. development of the terms of reference for consultants;
    3. preparation of the proposals on the specific consultants for fulfillment of the request;
    4. monitoring and control of the tasks fulfillment.
  6. The scanned version of the commercial offer should be signed and stamped and submitted to the following e-mails golubkova@ecuo.org and in CC olya.a@ecuo.org.

Shortlisted organizations will be invited to participate in a second round consisting of telephone/Skype presentation of its potential value as a TA provider or written questions. It is expected that successful candidates will be selected, notified and contracted in February 2016.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail golubkova@ecuo.org and in CC olya.a@ecuo.org by or before January 24, 2016.
file_32x32Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance Provision (269,7 KБ)
file_32x32Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance Provision. Cover Sheet — Organization Profile (69,5 KБ)

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